P. 14



                                                                                     Abelia Grandiflora;
                                                                                     This plant, whose homeland is China,
                                                                                     is a shrub that can grow up to 1.5m.
                                                                                     It likes warm, temperate and sunny
                                                                                     places. During the summer, beautifully
                                                                                     scented, pink and white flowers that
                                                                                     resemble small bells bloom. They can
                                                                                     be pruned and shaped very well. While
                                                                                     evergreen in hot climates, they shed
                                                                                     their leaves in cold climates. The leaves
                                                                                     are opposite to each other or triple
                                                                                     spiral structure, oval, upper face bright
                                                                                     dark green, lower face is green; the
                                                                                     edges of the leaves are serrated. The
                                                                                     leaves are glabrous on both sides and
                                                                                     are brown or reddish in autumn in color.
                                                                                     It is suitable for use in gardens and
                                                                                     under walls. It is a plant with high visual
                                                                                     value in terms of its leaves changing
                                                                                     color and flower value in autumn.


                                                                                           Length: Between 20-100 cm
                                                                                           2 - 7 - 15 - 25 Liter
                                                                                           Round     |     Pyramid

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