P. 6


                                                                                     Callistemon Leavis;

                                                                                     It is a slow growing evergreen shrub
                                                                                     that grows 4-5m tall. The tree form
                                                                                     has thin and drooping branches and
                                                                                     scattered top. The leaves are alternately
                                                                                     arranged; linear-lanceolate, pointed at
                                                                                     the tip, with prominent middle veins full
                                                                                     and dark green edges. When the leaves
                                                                                     are crushed, they release a lemon-
                                                                                     like scent. The fruits are in the form of
                                                                                     capsule fruit, woody and egg-shaped.
                                                                                     The flowers are cylindrical, at the ends
                                                                                     of the young twig.
                                                                                           Length: Between 30-150 cm

                                                                                           2 - 5 - 7 - 12 - 15 - 25 Liter
                                                                                           Tall   |   Shrup

                                                                                     BERBERIS THUNBERGII

                                                                                     Atropurpurea Nana

                                                                                     It belongs to the deciduous shrub
                                                                                     group. The leaves are dark-colored,
                                                                                     small round with clusters of yellow
                                                                                     flowers and purple-red in spring and
                                                                                     summer. In autumn, its leaves turn
                                                                                     bright red and small red fruits appear. It
                                                                                     can be used in low fence applications.
                                                                                     The only downside is that it shed leaves
                                                                                     in the winter.


                                                                                           Length: Between 20-50 cm
                                                                                           2 - 5 - 7 - 13 Liter

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